You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.1. Maintenance - Edit User IDs > Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 1. Main

Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 1. Main

The User File Update screen - Main tab is where you setup general information about your Micronet users, such as their user name, password and the default printers for Micronet outputs such as invoices and purchase orders. Non-supervisor users can change their passwords on this screen.

2.8 Feature

Supervisor users can also use this tab to set up supervisor privileges for other users and to lock users out of Micronet while system maintenance is being performed.

To setup general user information:

  1. Add a new user, or open an existing user's record.

Refer to "Adding a New User" or "Updating a User".

Micronet displays the User File Update screen - Main tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





User Id

Micronet displays the user ID for the selected user. If you are adding a new user, enter a unique user ID. This is usually the user's first name, initials and/or surname, but depends on your preferences or company policy.


User Name

Micronet displays the user’s name. If you are adding a new user, enter the user’s full name.



Enter the password you want the user to login to Micronet with.

For the security of your Micronet system, it is recommended that you use strong passwords. Strong passwords should:

  • be at least eight characters long
  • not contain words that can be found in a dictionary (including foreign words)
  • not include any portion of the user name
  • not include personal information such as the user's name, nickname, date of birth, phone number, address or names of pets
  • use both upper and lower case letters, with at least one upper case
  • use at least one special character such as #, $, & or %
  • not be any of the last 20 passwords used for Micronet for this user.

A good guide is to use something that is easy for the user to remember but to substitute individual letters with numbers and special characters. For example, you could use your grandmother's birthplace - Casino - but enter your password as Ca$1no01.



Technical Tip

If you want users to login to Micronet automatically, bypassing the Micronet login screen, enter their network login name and password then select Yes in the Auto Login with Network User field below. If the user ID is more than 10 characters long, you will need to setup an active directory for the user on the User File Update screen – Extra Security tab. Refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 8. Extra Security".



Default Company

If there is more than one company setup in Micronet, enter or select the user's default company.

As Micronet allows for multi-company operation, this field determines the directory where each company's data resides. Each registered company requires its own directory area for its data storage.

If an additional company number has been purchased, then a different default company would be used. Each different company can have different User IDs, User Names, Passwords and a data path associated with the new registration number.


Default Warehouse

Enter or select the default warehouse that this user sells products from, if required. You can leave this field blank.

Micronet allows each company to have multiple warehouses. During the invoicing procedure, users can invoice goods from a particular warehouse.



If this user can process EFTPOS payments, select the default EFTPOS PINpad for the user.

PINpads must already be setup (refer to "Installing PC EFTPOS and PINpad (Preferred Option)").


Show Cost on Inquiries

Select whether you want item cost prices displayed on the main item inquiry screens for this user. Options are:

  • No - remove cost prices and their quantity x cost extensions from item inquiry screens
  • Average Cost - display the average cost
  • Last Buy - display the last buy price
  • Buy 1-Buy 8 - display the selected buy price as the default.

The option you select in this field is displayed for the user on both the main Item Inquiry screen and on the Enter Purchase Information screen when doing a purchase inquiry (refer to "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen").

Item Inquiry

Enter Purchase Information

2.8 Feature

Selecting a default buy price in this field also allows the user to change the buy price for items when entering a backorder, e.g. if a special price has been negotiated with a supplier. Refer to "Entering Backorder Lines".



Technical Tip

Cost prices can be removed from other reports and inquiries by using the Report Generator and locking the reports to the specific users involved. Refer to "Reports - Report Generator".



Display Pricing on Inquiry

Select the types of item pricing you want this user to see when performing inquiries. Options are:

  • Company
  • Wholesale - display wholesale prices only
  • Retail - display retail prices only
  • Don’t Display - don't display prices at all
  • Display Wholesale + Tax - display wholesale prices plus tax
  • Display Retail + Tax - display retail prices plus tax.

Lock User to Default W/H

Select Yes to prevent this user from changing their default warehouse during the processing of invoices and stock movements. Select No to allow the user to change their default warehouse.



Select Yes if this user should have Supervisor access to Micronet, or No if they should not. Only supervisors can create other user IDs and change the access rights of users on all of the User File Update tabs. They can also approve discounts, and disable / enable fields on screens.

Non-supervisor users can access the User File Update screen - Main tab but they can only change their passwords. They cannot access any of the other User File Update tabs.

2.8 Feature

If this user is a supervisor, select the browse button (...) next to this field. Micronet displays the Allow Editing of Supervisor Functions screen.

Check the box for each Micronet function you want this supervisor user to have access to:

  • Edit User Settings - allows this user to edit the user ID of other users. Only users with this option checked can create other user IDs and change the access rights of users on all of the User File Update tabs. Users without this option checked can access the User File Update screen - Main tab but they can only change their passwords. They cannot access any of the other User File Update tabs.
  • Edit Dialogue Controls - allows this user to customise Micronet screens, e.g. disable or enable fields, add or remove columns, etc.
  • Accessing Packages - allows this user to override the package selections on the User File Update screen - User Access tab (refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 2. User Access").
  • POS Register Selection - allows this user to select the All Registers check box on the End of Day screen in POS (refer to "Point of Sale - End Of Day")
  • POS EOD Variance - allows this user to post a variance during register reconciliation at End of Day (refer to "End of Day - Till Reconciliation"). Users without this option checked will only be able to post variances by having them authorised by a supervisor who does have this access.
  • POS Scheduler Summary - allows this user to see the summary totals at the bottom of the POS Order Scheduler (for more information, refer to "Accessing the Order Scheduler"). Users without this option checked can see the field names but not the actual totals.
  • Can Lockdown Company - allows this user to access the EDIT | COMPANY LOCKDOWN menu option in company configuration to lock users out of Micronet while system maintenance is being performed (refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Company Lockdown (v2.8)").
  • May Login During Lockdown - allows this user to login to a company while it is in lockdown. Users with this access privilege who login to Micronet while it is locked down will see the Login screen and a contact message explaining the situation. These users should understand their responsibilities and limitations when using Micronet during company lockdown.

Select the Ok button. Micronet redisplays the User File Update screen with the selections listed in this field.

For non-supervisor users, you should not check any of these fields.


Auto Login with Network User

Select Yes if you want Micronet to check the user's network login name and password and, if they exist with the same ID and password in Micronet, log them straight into the Micronet software without displaying the standard user login screen. Select No if you always want the user to login separately to Micronet.


Override Item Stocked

Select Yes to allow this user to draw from or post an item to a warehouse where the stocked flag has been set to No (i.e. the item is not stocked in that warehouse). This will allow the user to override the error message displayed and proceed. Otherwise select No.


Can Add Selections to UDQ

Select Yes to allow this user to create and assign user defined questions (UDQs). Otherwise select No.


Allow Negative Stock

Select Yes to allow this user to sell items where the sale sends the item's stock on hand to a negative figure. Select No if the user cannot make sales that would result in negative stock.

This also depends on the setting in the Prevent Stock going negative field on the Invoicing Configuration screen (refer to "Edit - Program - Invoicing").


Allow Min GP

Select to allow this user to sell below the product category minimum gross margin as set in the Product Category master file, otherwise select No.

The minimum gross margin is set in the Minimum GP field on the Category File Update screen - Category tab (refer to "File - Product Category - Category").


Show GP

Select Yes to allow this user to see the minimum gross profit set per item/category when entering item details for a POS docket, otherwise select No.


Edit Non Financial Data

Select Yes if you want to allow this user to edit non-financial data on current customer invoices – such as order number and delivery options – when recalling and reprinting invoices. If you don't want the user to edit this data while they are reprinting invoices, select No.


Override Small Order Surcharge

If you are using small order surcharges, select Yes to allow this user to change the amount that Micronet calculates using your Small Order Surcharge table. Select No to prevent the user from changing the automatically calculated amount.

For information on setting up the Small Order Surcharge table, refer to "Edit - Program - Small Order Surcharge".


Allow Editing of Bin Locations

If your Micronet system is setup for multiple bin locations, you use this field to allow the user to change the bin location selected by the system, or to prevent the user from changing the bin location. This setting only applies when the Allow Multiple Bin Locations per Item field on the Inventory Configuration screen is set to Main Bin Only or Priority Order (refer to "Edit - Program - Inventory").

Select the browse button (...) next to this field. Micronet displays the Allow Editing of Bin Locations screen.

Check the box for each Micronet process where you want to allow this user to change the bin location, then select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the User File Update screen with the selections listed in this field.


Allow Temporary Items Addition

Select Yes if you want the user to be able to create temporary items during invoice creation, purchase order creation, auto purchase order creation, POS docket creation, MRF order creation and MJC job creation. This allows the user to quickly add a temporary (non-inventory) item to the Inventory master file during transaction processing, entering only a few important details.

Select No if the user cannot add temporary items.


User Profile

2.8 Feature

If your company saves user settings in profiles (rather than the Registry), enter the path and name of the profile file for this user, or select the browse (...) button to find the file. The file must be already setup and should have a .prf file extension.

For more information about user profiles, contact your authorised Micronet representative.


SysAid User Name

2.8 Feature

Enter this user's user name for accessing the Micronet Assist portal. When the user presses the F1 help key on a particular screen, Micronet will display the topic in the online user manuals that is specific to that screen (as long as the user is already logged into the manuals).


SysAid Password

2.8 Feature

Enter this user's password for accessing the Micronet Assist portal.


Allow editing supplier bank details

2.8 Feature

This setting only applies if your company requires two users to authorise changes to creditor/supplier bank details - i.e. the Confirm Security for Bank Account field on the MCL General Configuration screen is set to Yes (refer to "Edit - Applications - MCL - General").

Select Yes if this user is one of the users who is able to authorise changes to bank details, or select No if this user is not permitted to authorise such changes. When this is set to No, the Bank tab in the Creditor master file is greyed and the user cannot select it (refer to "File - Creditor - Bank").


Setting Default Qty to Zero

2.8 Feature

Use this field to determine whether quantity fields throughout Micronet default to 0 or 1 for this user. These settings apply in MDS Invoice Creation, MDS Credit Note Creation, MDS Backorder Creation, POS Order Creation, POS Credit Note Creation and MRF Order Creation. Note that you can have different settings for different areas.

Select the browse button (...) next to this field. Micronet displays the Set Default Qty screen.

Check the box for each Micronet process where you want the quantity to default to 0, then select the Ok button. Unchecked options will default to 1 (or to the POS default for POS Docket Creation).

Micronet redisplays the User File Update screen with the selections listed in this field.



Users can have default printers set for different tasks. For each output type (report, invoice, credit note, picking slip, transfer docket, purchase order, courier docket, box label, works order, cheque and remittance advice), select the Change Printer button to select the default printer on which the output will be printed. Micronet lists the available printers.


Can User Change

For each output type, select Yes if the user can change the default printer each time they print reports. If you select Yes, the user can select any printer normally available on your networks. If you select No, the user is restricted to the default printer.




If a report format has a default printer set (see "File - Default Printer"), Micronet will only use that printer if users also have a default printer set here. For example, if an invoice format is setup to be printed on a specific printer, you should select an Invoice printer on this screen for each user who prints invoices. Set the Can User Change field to determine whether or not the user can change the default printer.



TZ Offset

Select the time zone offset from the base Micronet time setting (Australian Eastern Standard Time). For example, for California the setting would be -18hrs.


System Date/Time

Micronet displays the date and time set on your workstation.


Date/Time After Offset

If you selected a TZ Offset, Micronet displays the date and time adjusted for this offset.


Date Format

Select the format in which you want dates displayed throughout Micronet.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.